Health and Safety

Patton Group including its Management is committed to the achievement of the highest levels of health and safety practices. In carrying out our business activities we will continuously strive to be leaders in our management of the workplace, seeking to manage or guard against all factors, which could lead to the injury or illness of our workers, contractors, volunteers or members of the public. In meeting this policy Patton Group will aim to:

Promote a culture where managers and workers are individually responsible for working safely and that health and safety responsibilities are clearly understood and followed.

Assist all workers to take ownership for creating a safe and healthy work environment by encouraging active participation from workers and workers’ representatives (where appropriate) in all areas of health and safety and recognising achievements.

Ensure our health and safety objectives have equal status with other business objectives and that the appropriate resources, training and tools are made available to achieve these.

Maintain purchasing policies that support the overall objective of a healthy and safe work place.

Identify and manage risks and hazards.

Ensure there are effective processes in place for accurate reporting and recording of all health and safety processes including near miss, incident, hazard, risk and injury reporting.

Provide opportunities for managers, including senior managers, to be up-skilled in health and safety management.

Evaluate Patton Group performance regularly and correct any deficiencies should they arise. Patton Group health and safety management practices will be subject to continuous improvement processes.

Comply with the relevant health and safety legislative requirements, for example the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, its regulations and amendments, the Resource Management Act 1991, the Accident Compensation Act 2001, Approved Codes of Practice and Good Practice Guidelines.

Maintain our rehabilitation process with dignity and respect and have worker views and needs considered as described within the ‘Code of ACC Claimants’ Rights’.

Patton Group will endeavour to promote a supportive workplace environment and provide rehabilitation opportunities for non-work injuries and illness cases. Where applicable, management will be involved in the rehabilitation or return to work programme of workers who have sustained non-work injuries and illnesses, by providing alternative duties when available, and access to preferred providers.

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